Toaster Launcher Dev Diary - Week 06 (July 30 - August 05, 2023) - Planning the Power-Up System: Fireworks

     This would be a short post as not much has happened other than polishing. For now, I will be continuing to discuss on the progress on planning the power-up system.

    I have thought of a possible better condition for a power-up to be spawned by a firework. In the previous entry, I suggested that the firework must not be destroyed by the player and let it explode by itself for it to spawn the power-up. It took me a while to realize that I can just flip the concept -- "the firework must be destroyed by the player before it explodes on its own, destroying the power-up."

    This solves the problem of breaking the flow by the previous condition as now it instead provides urgency in order to provide reward while still retain the comfort of constant shooting, and in a slightly logical reason that fireworks explode. So I will be testing with the new condition instead.

    Continuing with fireworks and power-ups, introducing these new objects means I have to draw new sprites for them. Here they are:

    These variations could either be used for flavor or to determine on which power-up would it drop. Next week could be as slow as before as I have other responsibilities to focus towards in the meantime, but now that I have polished more of the current state of the game, I am comfortable to say that power-ups are just around the corner.

Make sure you stay tuned for updates on the game's development! 🍞💣

- Arolf Delano Santos
